Siddique Ismail Ya RasoolAllah Tere Dar Ki Fazaon Ko Salam mp3 play online & download. Download and Listen to Ya RasoolAllah Tere Dar Ki Fazaon Ko Salam naat mp3 Naat in a Heart-Touching Voice, Along with the Lyrics. Also Available Ya RasoolAllah Tere Dar Ki Fazaon Ko Salam naat mp3 Naat WhatsApp Status and Ringtone Download.
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Siddique Ismail Ya RasoolAllah Tere Dar Ki Fazaon Ko Salam mp3 play online & download. Large collection of Islamic naats shareef, download and listen online naat mp3 Online naats, hamds bayan & quran audios.
Siddique Ismail born on February 10, 1954 in Karachi, Pakistan. Mr Siddique Ismail belongs to respectable Memon community and is one of the most respect Hamd and Na`at reciters of Pakistan. He has served Television and Radio Pakistan for more than 50 years.
After partition of British India His parents migrated from India to Pakistan in 1947. His career started at the age of six in a local mosque Masjid Badami Old Town, Karachi. May God Bless him with Health and Prosperity. Listed below are a few of his famous Naats, more will be uploaded soon Inshaa Allah.
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