Ghulam Hashar Mein Jab Syed Ul Wara Ke Chalay Syed Zabeeb Masood Shahnaat mp3 play online & download. Download and Listen to Ghulam Hashar Mein Jab Syed Ul Wara Ke Chalay Urdu naat mp3 Naat in a Heart-Touching Voice, Along with the Lyrics. Also Available Ghulam Hashar Mein Jab Syed Ul Wara Ke Chalay Urdu naat mp3 Naat WhatsApp Status and Ringtone Download.
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Ghulam Hashar Mein Jab Syed Ul Wara Ke Chalay Syed Zabeeb Masood Shahnaat mp3 play online & download. Large collection of Islamic naats shareef, download and listen online naat mp3 Online naats, hamds bayan & quran audios.
Syed Zabeeb Masood Shah is a student of Syed Manzoor Ul Konain Shah Sb (King of Naat Khawani). Zabeeb Masood is from Wah Cantt, Punjab. Zabeeb Masood has won hundreds of competitions in Pakistan and recited Naat e Rasool e Maqbool (صلی Ø§Ù„Ù„Û Ø¹Ù„ÛŒÛ ÙˆØ³Ù„Ù…) in different countries of the world. Listed below are some of his famous Naats, More will be uploaded soon.
May God give Syed Zabeeb Masood Shah Sb Health and Prosperity.
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