
Sidi Saiyed Mosque


The Mughals had administered over the city of Ahmedabad for a significant extensive stretch of time. The Gujarat Sultanate additionally developed certain structures propelled by the Mughal Architecture. The engineering of the city has numerous unmistakable structures delineating the Mughal Architecture. The greatness of these spots is the thing that makes them novel. One such structural wonder is The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque in Ahmedabad which is outstanding for its latticework ('Jaali-Work') in the whole nation. 

Give us a chance to have a knowledge of The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. As specified before the 'Masjid' or Mosque is well known for its 'Tree of Life' Jaali or latticework done on the falcate angled windows. It is a little mosque in an exciting piece of Ahmedabad yet has an incredible critical among the travelers and additionally local people. 

History of the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque 

The Sidi Saiyed Mosque was custom fitted by the last Sultanate of Gujarat, which got finished in the most recent year of its manage before the Mughals from Delhi vanquished them and assumed control over the state. Gujarat Sultanate can be attributed for a great part of the most inconceivable Mughal engineering. The Mosque was worked in the year 1572-73 by Sidi Saeed or Sidi Saiyyed who was an Abyssinian in Bilal Jhajar Khan devotees, who had been a general in Sultan Shams-ud-Din Muzaffar Shah armed force having a place with Gujarat Sultanate. 

Sidi Saiyyed came to Gujarat from Yemen and later served Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud. He manufactured this brilliant landmark amid the rule of Sultan Muzaffar Shah , the last leader of Gujarat and henceforth the mosque is named after this aristocrat. The mosque was utilized as a Government office amid the British run the show. In 1880 CE paper throws of the cut screen were taken and two wooden models were made for the Museum of Kensington and New York. 

The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque is worked with yellow sandstone and the mosque's skillfully cut Jaali screen windows speak to the style of Indo-Saracenic write. The front of the mosque had two minarets on the sides which have now fallen and just the base of each remaining parts; while the back divider is the place all the 'Jaali' are. The curve of the focal window in the mosque, which could have offered a view to another Jaali has been secured with a stone divider since it stayed fragmented as a result of the intrusion of Mughal rulers amid those circumstances, in this manner, it couldn't be finished according to the plans of Gujarat Sultanate. 

The fundamental fascination is of two straights which edge the focal path having stone pieces reticulated in a style of interweaved trees alongside palm theme and foliage. The fundamental Jaali called the Siddi Saiyyed Jaali has been a motivation to the outline of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad logo. 

There is a sum of eight curved windows which are embellished with these stone cut mind boggling Jaalis. It is trusted that there were 45 experts who chipped away at these Jaalis. Notwithstanding, exactly when it was getting finished, Ahmedabad fell under the control of the Mughal Emperors, and from this time forward, the last window in the focal point of the back divider was left without a jaali.