
Aan Imaam e Aasheqan Kalam e Iqbal MP3 Download

Aan Imaam e Aasheqan Kalam e Iqbal mp3 play online & download. Download and Listen to Aan Imaam e Aasheqan Kalam e Iqbal in a Heart-Touching Voice, Along with the Lyrics. Also Available Aan Imaam e Aasheqan Kalam e Iqbal WhatsApp Status and Ringtone Download. Explore and download a variety of Islamic MP3s.

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About Syed Manzoor Ul Kounain Shah

Winner of President's Pride of Performance Award (1993-1994). Syed Manzoor Ul Kounain Shah Sb is one of the greatest Naat Khawans of All time. Most of the famous naats recited in Pakistan are composed by Shah Sb. Gems like Syed Salman Kounain, Syed Zabeeb Masood and Yasir Mehmood Danni got the honor of being his students. Syed Manzoor Ul Kounain Shah's great voice and respect for Muhammad made his Naats memorable for so many people.